Teenage life is crazy. I'm beginning to think teenagers have an innate sense of hiding their speech behind empty code. Or is that just me? Here's some seemingly meaningless Christmas-themed jargon. Good luck interpreting!
'Twas less than a week before Christmas. "I'll check my emails!" the teen said, hoping for the one special letter from Santa, the one promising the latest information and secret gossip. The teen was disappointed until, later that day, Santa followed through as promised.
Dear Teen,
Got your request. Here's the news: The elves are all busy, but that's just the usual. So-and-so likes Cup-o-joe, but you already knew that. Not much to tell except for I'm getting constant emails from you. Shall I be annoyed?
Yours, Santa.
p.s. Be careful with your speech.
The teen read with caution, thinking it all through and heeding Santa's words. Yet, just as the teen always had done, the teen sped out another email requesting more information, adding a special "Merry Christmas" at the end. Feeling rather immature, the teen sat and waiting all day for the next update.
Yes, being a teen and writing in code is idiotic, immature, pointless, and wastes everyones' time. I apologize. They're just so much fun to write, even if it's impossibly difficult or impossibly easy to understand. Don't think too hard. :]
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Posted by Jessie at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
A misunderstanding never fully explained leaves much to be explored. They're one of the many oddities of this life, next to lost thoughts and unheard sounds. It's similar to the question: "How many numbers are between 1 and 2?" The answer, obviously, is infinity, for the decimal points would continue on forever (1.9, 1.99...).
So a misunderstanding occurs between two people, and the details, however seemingly obvious, are vastly intricate. One person is trained to believe one way, the other influenced the opposite. Or perhaps they believe the same thing, yet do not realize it? Then there are the blends creating a gradient of ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
Still following? May perhaps be continued. Perhaps not. And look at that... a beginning of a misunderstanding.
Posted by Jessie at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Dark Matter
Good morning!
Well, it's finally happened... internet on my laptop is gone. A bummer, really. But I'm hoping for a router for Christmas.
So I've been researching up a storm for my semester term paper in English. I've decided to do it on black matter and black holes. In my internet surfing, I found an online magazine, with several articles on black matter. The articles themselves were plain enough, but then I got down to the comments.
The first comment was from a woman who exclaimed how when she heard about dark matter, it was as if she knew all along. She says it is God himself, not some invisible matter that can be explained through reasoning.
Now, I personally don't believe that. That's the same sort of thing as when the early astronomers thought the heavenly spheres circled around perfectly, as if held directly in God's hand. We know now that it is gravity that keeps things in orbit, not the direct hand of God. (There are many more vague philosophical ideas that could be explored, but I won't get into those.)
So what do you think? Any thoughts or comments?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Just a wee little update...
So I'm currently at a family friends' house. Finally got the internet connection organized...
So homecoming week was awesome. Homecoming dance was bittersweet. It really stinks when the one you like dances with three other people and gives you about... three glances.
Um, not much to share. I'm tired. I got up an hour late (6 instead of 5 am), so I was almost late to homeroom. I finished most of my homework; only an analysis of the English Bill of Rights left (fun fun fun).
There's not much else to share. Have a good week, everyone. :]
Posted by Jessie at 6:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I am rather blue today. I hate sin, the way it overtakes you. I sinned today, like I have many days. It sickens me. I want to throw up. God, please forgive me, even though I don't deserve it. Aggh, please keep me from sin, Jesus.
Create in me a clean heart, O God
And renew a right spirit within me!
Cast me not away from your presence, O Lord!
Take not your Holy Spirit from me!
Restore unto me the joy of my salvation...
And renew a right spirit within me.
Posted by Jessie at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Spirit (Homecoming) Week hath begun!
Rawr. It's already 11 pm. Can't type long...
Well, it's spirit week at school. Here are the theme days:
Monday: Crazy Day
Tuesday: Senior Citizen Day
Wednesday: Old School Day
Thursday: Night on the Nile (Homecoming theme day)
Friday: School Spirit Day
I'm psyched! Today was crazy day... Talk about fantabulous outfits. Maybe (doubtful) I'll post a few. I wore a hot pink plaid full suit and completely mod killer heels. Jeez, it was fun!
Well, I'll try to update more later... Goodnight.
Posted by Jessie at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Things are looking up a bit
Mm, it's about 9:30 at night. I should probably go to bed... School's been so crazy lately. I was falling asleep on the couch downstairs. But then I had a wicked desire to check a few websites.
So here I am!
Things are going okay. Life's been a little turbulent lately, but things are starting to even out, I think. Some of my friends are going through a lot over things, so it's been very... taxing. Not to mention the homework ;;
Um, I'm actually at a bit of a loss for words, actually. Normally at this time of night, I'm chipper and even hyper. Bah, melancholy. I get it from my dad's side. All these weird little emotional quirks. As if being a teenager and female weren't enough!
I'm going to California on Friday. My Aunt Katie is having her first baby. A boy. The shower's on Saturday! It was a little awkward at Babies 'R' Us. I was really the only one of the group I was with (mom, grandma, little sister) who at least looks the right age. I really played up the I'm-just-a-kid part so no one would think I was the lucky mommy... ;;
I used to be a member of Gaia Online, an anime-based website where you can create your own little person, dress him or her up, play games, and socialize. I recently went back to my old account to check in on an old friend. See, when I was on Gaia, I was at the who-the-heck-am-I preteen stage. "Fell in love" with some guy who supposedly "loved" me back. I also said hi to him... the old friend told me this guy is totally backwards. Unfortunately, it's true. As it turns out, I've learned the reason he "broke up" (though we weren't technically dating) with me was because one, he had met someone new, and two, he knew he could never get me to do anything innappropriate over the internet. Boy, God certainly played a role in protecting me and my heart from that. But anyways I dropped him an email anyways. Maybe this is an opportunity God has given me to reach out.
I suppose I should go now. It's 9:45... I have to be up by 5 am. Oh, what fun being a student is!
'Til the chocolate chips,
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Just a little update
School's started. I guess it's been awhile since I've written here, hasn't it? Oh well. Here's a nice little post that will most likely end up fairly long!
I'm currently summarizing a chapter for my AP European History class. Isn't that fun? Heh, actually it is. Well, interesting at least. I don't really appreciate the 27 pages that must be read through, highlighted, and outlined on the computer...
I'm considering taking up either some form of martial arts, track, or fencing. Something to pull me away from the constant sit-in-front-of-the-computer-doing-homework-itis. It's time I get really involved in both my school and the community. The former is fairly easy, actually. I'm on homecoming and prom committee, sit with different people in different classes... This year is certainly looking up. Last year, I was...
Not a bad thing, really, if you don't include the low self esteem. But things are really changing; God's doing so many things in my life right now. It's really exciting! :]
Other news, other news...
This evening the family watched "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure". It's a movie I remember watching when I was really little. There are a few scenes of bad language and suggestive content, but besides that, it's a hilarious movie. A classic.
Hmm, so I guess it didn't turn out as long as I had anticipated. I'll try to get something besides my usual drawling soon. Perhaps a past English paper... those are always fun.
And to the readers of my little blog,
Swallow in good health!
Posted by Jessie at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Weekend Purity Conference
I spent a weekend at a Girls of Purity conference with some friends. The content was fairly basic, but the speaker was phenomenal. I'm not ready to spill everything that happened that weekend, but God really revealed some things to me through a girl we were travelling with. It was simply amazing, and I was left in tears of... well, I'm not sure what kind of tears they were. The best explaination is it was simply all the emotions involved in hearing such words in God's presence. I want what she has. God is pulling me closer to Him, and I often find myself thinking how he's sitting right beside me. Or standing right above me, hand on my shoulder. I find myself just talking to him about my day or asking for help. My youth pastor said something that really got me thinking:
"Your parents want the best for you and would go to great lengths for it," she said, "So just imagine how much further God would go."
It really impacted how I view my relationship with Him and prayer in general. I am God's daughter. He truly can do anything! Only He has the strength to get me through whatever problems the day holds. The very idea is amazing. Even when I mess up, He's right there saying He forgives me. I've been feeling so happy lately and I find I hardly care how I look anymore. Who cares about makeup, the perfect outfit, or how thin you are? God sure doesn't! And I certainly shouldn't feel I need any of it to be beautiful in God's eyes.
Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Posted by Jessie at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
School retreat!
I'm going to a retreat this weekend from Friday (that's tomorrow!) to Sunday. I'm so excited! First is the bus ride, a nice, long 3-hour one. Plenty of time to goof off and get re-aquainted. The retreat is for incoming juniors of my school. It's a Christian school, so it's almost like an ultra-tiny church retreat!
From the information letter, there's lots of fun things to do, including even bikes you can check out. I'm so excited! If I'm correct, we'll be going north, so it's going to be a little cooler (I hope).
I'm off to go packing... lots of things to do before tomorrow!
Posted by Jessie at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: camp, Christianity, retreat, school, summer
Saturday, August 2, 2008
A Nonsensical Poem
I'm sitting here with Jamie.
The world is on my head,
And I pray I can forget it
Before I go to bed.
The air is very cold in here
Or is it very hot?
My siblings are humming, yes,
The gingerbread's been bought.
My head is all awhirling, yes,
Or is it all just still?
The cards are all around, a mess,
I have to pay the bill.
My foot sits on a hockey,
My backside on a green.
Oh where on earth am I?
Shall I ever be seen?
I wanted to write a nonsense poem.
This I hope I have accomplished.
A glass twists in a blue bubble.
...Jamie, what rhymes with accomplished? ^^;
Posted by Jessie at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Writer's brick?
I am very confused and sick.
Do I have writer's block, or brick?
I'm not too sure,
And I cannot cure,
But what I type is a lymeric!
Posted by Jessie at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Eleven thirty at night.
Eleven thirty at night.
Only the creaking of the fan above me
And the cricket in the attic
To keep away the ringing ears.
No one is awake but I,
Sitting all alone at my computer.
But I am not lonely.
How strange it is to know
There is somewhere I must go tomorrow.
Must get up early.
So why am I still awake?
Perhaps it is the peacefulness.
No real communication with those I know,
Or if so, very limited.
Just me, a bright screen,
The creaky fan, and God.
Everything else in the room melts away.
My head tells me I must go now.
Must get up early.
I must sleep to do so, after all.
So I bid you goodnight, dear reader.
Dear, dear reader.
And so I bid you goodnight, dear reader,
And I shall see you when the moon is gone.
Posted by Jessie at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I babysit a little boy who lives across the street (we'll call him Billy for safety matters). I watch him once or twice a week. He's a very rambunctious 5-year-old, often getting into things he shouldn't. Needless to say, I'm constantly following him around. But, he's starting to learn the rules of the house, at least. Billy loves painting with watercolors and eating his snack in front of the tv. Unfortunately, I'll usually go through the trouble of putting a movie on, and Billy will say he's bored with it as soon as he's done with his snack. That's about ten minutes into the movie. It's amazing what a short attention span he has!
I'm babysitting his today for a few hours in the afternoon. His dad called just a little while ago. Unfortunately, as soon as we got the basics down (time), the phone cut out and finally dropped the call. I'm hoping he didn't think I hung up on him! He never called back. I think he wanted to discuss payment, since I babysat twice last week for short incremements. Maybe he wanted to pay only for one day, since the two days' hours together equaled a full day?
In that case, then it would be horrible if he thought I hung up on him! Oh gosh... I really hope that's not the case!
I won't even find out 'til after lunch!
Edit: All turned out okay, thank goodness! "Billy" is over as I type, happy as can be.
Posted by Jessie at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I feel like such a jerk. Sometimes I push it too far... I get too annoying, wanting the person to do something. Like to join a website I think they'd like. But then... it all crumbles. They don't say anything, but I'm left with the uncertainty... and myself.
Did you know I just said "I" five times? As if it's all about me.
I can get so sarcastic with people. Just joking with them and all... but then it turns serious out of the blue. God, please make me more selfless... humble my heart! I sometimes feel like I'm the best thing that ever walked the planet. How can I be so selfish?! So arrogant?!
Oh Lord, please humble my heart!
I really have no right to have a low self esteem. I'm God's creation, after all. But then, should I have a high one? Confident in myself? Where is the point when one is simply confident in God?
Is it okay to want to look nice? Is it okay to want to wear makeup, dress nicely, be slim, and try to get a nice haircut? Or is it all just vain self-absorption? Would it be better if we were all plain? Maybe the Amish have it all down the right way... But then again, God forgives. But at what point is vanity a sin? What kind of heart should I have?
...Or is this just a real-life example of my last post?
Lord, please guide my heart!
Posted by Jessie at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Teenage years
The teenage years are so annoying. Everywhere you turn during school hours, you're surrounded by blobs of hormones opening lockers, chatting, taking notes... Let alone the emotions you're feeling! It's like a roller coaster with bad seatbelts. You nearly fall out when you're at the top, and just when you think it's over, your seatbelt sticks. And WHOOSH! You're stuck on it for another round!
At least, that's "teen" by my definition. After all, hormones seem to be the motive behind most of what we do. Gossip maliciously, wink at that senior, argue with the parents. If we didn't have such extreme emotions, life would be much easier! But on the other hand, where would that leave us?
So, I guess you have to take the good with the bad, then. Or at least try to find the good in that bad. Or even go swimming in the bad and hope one day you find the good... but now I'm confusing even myself.
Confusion? Oh no, it's those hormones again!
Posted by Jessie at 11:51 PM 0 comments
The Adventures of Dan and the Gang - Forest Fire
My dad and his friends were rather naughty, sometimes having firecracker wars in the woods. This was done by simply dividing into two teams, lighting firecrackers, and throwing them at each other. I have no clue what went through their little heads, but apparently this was "fun"!
On one occassion, my father had a brilliant idea. Instead of having to light each one individually, when not just create a little fire on the ground so the firecrackers could be lit quickly? This proved revolutionary to our little band of junior highers, and soon the other team had their own fire going as well.
The war was raging between the two teams when suddenly they realized that the fires were spreading! Brush had caught and was now moving quickly. Fear of the fire seized them first, quickly followed by fear of what the parents would do. Each little boy ran home in a frenzy, desperately hoping he wouldn't be caught.
"Mom! Mom!" Dan cried to my grandma. She turned. "We... we saw these guys in the woods! They were lighting firecrackers and they started a forest fire!"
The fire department was called, the fire put out. Yet to this day, no one knows that it was not a group of teens, but rather a group of rambunctious junior highers: Dan and the Gang.
Posted by Jessie at 12:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: adventures, dan, fire, firecrackers, gang
Katie's birthday party
My little sister's birthday party was today. You'd never realize how loud, how truly loud a group of giggly, excited girls can be! Screaming all day... sometimes just for the heck of it. Thank goodness for the reprieves where I could slip into my room and have some peace and quiet.
But it wasn't all bad. I got to take most of the pictures and generally be a second host in addition to my mom. In all, it was actually pretty enjoyable!
So I've really been... well, doing some changing lately. I heard a brilliant message from the youth sermon on Saturday night. But I think God really spoke to my heart, more on the topic of myself than on Paul, as we were studying. I'm realizing just how arrogant and blatantly boastful I've been in the past, and I believe it's time for a change. "Humble" is the only word that has been going through my mind... it's like I nearly can't stop thinking about it. "W.W.J.D." is really becoming a regular question. I used to think of it as a nice, idyllic saying, but it's really taking on a meaning now. Anyways, just thought I'd share that with you :]
Posted by Jessie at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Those disgusting ads!
I hate all these disgusting ads! I was just going to a website, one I visit occasionally, and was going to let my brother watch me play. After all, it's a rather amusing game, and I thought perhaps he'd like to play it after seeing how it works.
As he stood next to me, the page loaded. And what's the first thing that pops out? An unrealistic busty chick in a bikini! He, being the good little boy he is, automatically looked away. Thank goodness... but I'm so mad at that website! So uncalled for and... just, grr! I think there should be laws against that... I mean, technically the girl in the picture was "covered". But REALLY!
Needless to say, that website is off my favorites list. >:[
Posted by Jessie at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Game Plan: Elizabeth
You are most like...
Many people will consider you the stable, normal one. Maybe you weren't always that way. For now, though, you're able to go with the flow, but when provoked, you don't mind putting people in their place!
Take YOUR personalized quiz here!
Yay! Elizabeth!
Hmm... I'm not too sure of the "putting people in their place" part, though...
Anyways, Game Plan is a FANTABULOUS webmanga done by Inkhana! Go check it out!
Posted by Jessie at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: elizabeth, game plan, personality, quiz, test
You Shouldn't Run With Scissors
Haha, this comic never fails to make me chuckle :] Kind of sick humor, I know. But really... the simple expressions on their little cartoon faces say it all!
Posted by Jessie at 1:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
A Forbidden Love
Here is a short story I wrote a little while back. Hope you enjoy reading it, and constructive criticism is more than welcome!
A Forbidden Love
By J. Gould
The skies were gray in the sunless dusk. The ocean foamed at the shore, its voice like that of a purring lion. A breeze slipped around the slick rocks, embracing them. It was the same breeze that kissed the stones that also kissed the girl's cheek, gently lifting her hair behind her.
The girl's arms clung tightly around a boy; his arms were around her. Tears she wished would disappear pushed out of her eyes, sliding down her cheeks silently. The boy stroked her cheek gently.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, wiping away several tears. They were quickly replaced. There was a moment before the girl could find her voice.
“Reku, this…” She sobbed again. “…This is wrong. We can’t be together.”
Reku stared at the girl in his arms. His face revealed his confusion.
“What do you mean?” he asked, “Your father doesn’t know about us. It’ll be okay.”
The girl shook her head, a fresh wave of tears washing down her face. “That’s just it,” she said, “He doesn’t know. Reku, I-I… I’m betrothed.”
Reku took a step back in the sand, speechless.
“I’m sorry…” the girl stuttered. Reku drew back, eyes wide. His shock turned to anger and he grabbed the girl’s shoulders.
“YOU’RE BETROTHED AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?!” he shouted, shaking her violently. The girl shook her head, looking down like a child being scolded. Her tears dripped into the water around her ankles, quickly dragged into waves.
Reku paused. “Anna…” he finally said. All anger had left his voice.
In one motion, he pulled her back into his arms and kissed her. “I love you.”
Anna hugged him tightly. “I love you too.”
The couple embraced for a few moments more before Anna finally took a step back. Her tears had stopped, but her body was shaking with the effort of keeping them in.
“Our time together has been wonderful, Reku,” she finally managed to say. Reku was silent, his eyes full of disbelief and sorrow. “…Goodbye.”
Anna turned, staring at the sand with cloudy eyes. Slowly, she walked along the beach. The water was coming closer and the tide now left her a small strip of land between the ocean and the cliff.
Reku watched helplessly, his arms limp at his sides. His heart pounded for hatred and love for the girl in a strange mixture only a lover could understand. He gazed at her until the incoming tide finally forced him to turn in the opposite direction and walk away before he was trapped against the cliff wall.
-- 4 Months Later--
Anna’s wedding went smoothly. It was a sunny day full of laughter and food. The bride was by far the happiest. A smile shone brightly upon her face for the entire day.
From behind the front lawn’s bushes, Reku sat and watched the ceremony. His heart ached terribly for the girl who was now married to another. His heart seemed to stop at the “I do’s” and his eyes filled with tears as the newlyweds kissed. A kiss that should have been his. His mind began to wander as he imagined what life would be like if they had stayed together.
Shaking the painful thoughts off, he stood up and walked away. Anna was happy; that was all that mattered.
The next morning, the groom leaned over to wake his wife with a kiss. He stopped; her skin was cold. Her body was still; her eyes open and lifeless. Her gray hand grasped a knife plunged into her chest.
The groom looked around restlessly, pulling his eyes away from his dead wife. A paper on her nightstand caught his eye. The handwriting was loopy and elegant.
I love you, Reku.
Posted by Jessie at 12:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: forbidden, literature, love, short, story, tale, write, writing
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Found: God's Will (A Sermon)
God's awoken a desire in me to follow Him without question. To devote my life to Him, whatever kind of life it is. To God be the glory!
I told a friend about this, and they recommended this sermon (the link is at the bottom of this post). It's really cleared some things up for me, and I highly recommend reading it. It's an hour-long sermon, so it's some pretty heavy reading, but it's worth it if you have the patience!
I encourage you to read it... I pray it will help you as much as it's helped me!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Brought to tears
Sometimes you care so deeply about a human being, it brings you to tears. That just happened last night. What a strange night it was. My mother and I were up at midnight, talking out some recent events. The night ended in a prayer.
Such a feeling is truly something new. I've never been so worried or missed someone so much to the point of true, uncontrollable tears. But I know it's in God's hands.
Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
There's power in prayer. Thank Jesus for that. Sometimes it's the only comfort available.
Praise God, Lord of heaven and earth!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Writing can be annoying.
Sometimes, writing gets annoying. This is my usual thought process:
Oh boy, I should go write on my blog! But, what should I write about? How about a story! Yes!
"Once upon a time... a girl... um..."
And by the time I finally get a story planned out, I'm so fed up with it that I close the window.
Don't you just love how annoying the human brain can be? Sometimes I envy animals.
Posted by Jessie at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
So what's this whole God thing about?
Posted by Jessie at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christianity, confused, God, Jesus
Entering the Dating Scene At a Young Age
Why do so many girls they have to have a male at their sides at such a young age? Freshmen girls and under feel that they need to sell themselves in order to win the guys. The bad part is they usually succeed. Congratulations, girls. You've gotten yourself a nice group of guys that would love nothing more than to have his hands on you and manipulate you.
See, that's the problem. Manipulation. "You're so beautiful... I love you... Now show me how much you love me." Don't you see what's happening? Are you really willing to give up your morals for someone who doesn't care for you as a person?
Okay, so that's not the case in all relationships. Maybe he really does love you. He wants it, but doesn't force the subject. You decide you're ready to "take the next step". But stop! What will the possible consequences be? Pregnancy, STDs, emotions you're not ready to handle, family trust issues... it's all there. "But that'll never happen to me," you say, "I'm using protection and my family's okay with it! I'm mature enough!"
Maturity means nothing if your heart is broken.
When you invest yourself in a relationship, sexual or not, you invest your emotions. Your feelings. Some of of yourself. And when that relationship is broken off, your emotions are also. You're suddenly on your own again, part of yourself stolen. After all, very few marry their high school sweethearts.
After repeated breakups, you become callous.
In the end, what is breaking up but divorce practice?
Think about it.
So the usual excuse is, "I need experience before my wedding night." But I tell you now... one of the best gifts you can give your future husband is purity.
But what if your virginity is already lost? It's not the end! You can still promise that from this moment forward, you will save yourself for your husband.
In the end, all I'm really asking is that you use your head, girls. Don't let yourself fall into a dangerous relationship. Or better, wait until you're older to date. For in the end, your heart will be hurt! Wait... and you'll be thankful in the end when you have a nice guy for a boyfriend and maybe the same nice one as a husband. Believe me.
Posted by Jessie at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
West Fork Lake Dam, Ohio
I just spent a week in Ohio. We spent an hour at West Fork Lake Dam. My dad used to go there early in the mornings just to walk around. He claims I've been there, but I have absolutely no recollection.
Anyways, here's some pictures I took with my mom's fancy camera. By "fancy", I mean it's better than we've ever had before now. So, enjoy! There was a single little dandelion on the side of the road.
The dandelion again, but in color. Obviously. :]
Near the start of the road was a little run-down house. We couldn't figure out who the owner is... it looks abandoned. Still, it's always fun to fantasize about buying and fixing it up one day. Truly a cute little building!
And there was a fantabulous dead tree. Just had to get a picture of it! I love the way the branches stick out from all the greenery! And... blades of grass. Not very original, but I like the way the bridge sits in the background. And I don't mean tilting. That's my own quirk.
The street we walked along.
There were little boxes set up in a field of wildflowers. I'm pretty sure they're just birdhouses, but could they be bat boxes? Either way, I found them very attractive. What I wouldn't give to have a backyard that looks like that!
A picture captured as we started to leave. All the pictures are out of order, so let's just ignore that. ;]
The cute house again, from the side.
This is one of my favorite pictures taken that day. It's the cottage's front door. It looks like something out of old America. Of course, it probably is, but you get the point.
Another view of the road. Up ahead, it curves to the right. The parking lot is down a hill on the left.
This place is now on my "favorite places to photograph" list. Or even just to be at. Except for all the hidden poison ivy! Back at the hotel, my family and I had to wash down our legs. The last thing we need is a case of poison ivy. Even so, we discovered I'm allergic to grass!
In all, the trip to Ohio was great. It was fun to see all my old friends again. But although it holds many memories for me and I love the area, it just didn't feel like home anymore. In fact, I was almost looking forward to getting back home to good ol' Arizona. Even if the heat is extreme here!
Posted by Jessie at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: ohio, photography, photos
Friday, June 6, 2008
The Adventures of Dan and the Gang - Ding Dong Ditching
My dad has always loved telling stories of his childhood. Here is one of the first ones he's ever told me.
My father's name is Dan. He, along with his younger brother Dave and best friends Tom and Peter, used to love ding-dong-ditching. For you poor souls who have never had the chance to experience such a delight, ding-dong-ditching is when one goes door-to-door, ringing the doorbell, and hiding. Preferably done late at night. This results in a comical parent coming to the door and yelling out into the night at you "darn kids".
There was a house on the cul-de-sac that belonged to particularly gruff character. With the usual procession, the boys rang the doorbell and jumped behind some bushes. But little Dave, who was still very young at the time, didn't quite get the concept of running away.
The door opened on a frightened little boy who wasn't quite sure what to do.
"Whadyou' want?" the gruff neighbor asked, voice husky. Dave stood silent, quaking in his sneakers. Broken laughter came from behind one of the bushes.
"Who's that!" the man demanded. Dave's eyes were wide, mind no doubt trying to find a way out. In his desperation, he came to the only logical answer.
Posted by Jessie at 1:46 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The First Post
Oh, I hate this part.
The first post. What are you supposed to write about? Nothing stupid. But then, you can't make it sound like a know-it-all. Friends are always a good choice, but then, does that make others feel left out?
Shall I talk about my life? No, that would be too self-centered. Well, what about yours? Wait, that wouldn't work too well. Music is usually a generic topic, but too shallow. On a blog, you should sound deep, right? Okay, deep. Deep... I could always speak of the meaning of life. But that's too obvious. Plus, it would sound like I'm intentionally trying to appear wise. How about knowledge? A step down from wise. I could always post the speech I presented on stereotypes, or perhaps the biology report that took hours. That would show that I'm knowledgeable and catch someone's interest. But once again, we arrive at the "self-centered" problem.
Oh, how I hate this part! The first post is like a first impression. "Who is this person?" "What is this person like?" "Is this person just the same as all the others?" There is simply too much pressure!
I could write about me. A repeat of filling out all of the profile information... only worded differently. That would give me an easy way out. Or, should I just dive right in? Pretend I've been doing this blog for years and start off with just a diary-like entry. "Today was like any other day... blah blah blah..."
I could write about the people around me. That would sort of combine a bunch of topics into one. But are we just going in a circle, then? Friends.
This is the part of having a blog that I hate! Being judged. It's like someone's holding a gun to your back saying to post something good or you're going to have to move to a different blogging website and come up with a new name so that all your blogging shame can be erased. That horrid first post. Does the first post define who you are? Does it define my entire being?! WILL LIFE GO ON IF I DO A BAD FIRST POST?!
Well, duh.
I'm still here, aren't I?
Posted by Jessie at 7:18 PM 0 comments