Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I babysit a little boy who lives across the street (we'll call him Billy for safety matters). I watch him once or twice a week. He's a very rambunctious 5-year-old, often getting into things he shouldn't. Needless to say, I'm constantly following him around. But, he's starting to learn the rules of the house, at least. Billy loves painting with watercolors and eating his snack in front of the tv. Unfortunately, I'll usually go through the trouble of putting a movie on, and Billy will say he's bored with it as soon as he's done with his snack. That's about ten minutes into the movie. It's amazing what a short attention span he has!

I'm babysitting his today for a few hours in the afternoon. His dad called just a little while ago. Unfortunately, as soon as we got the basics down (time), the phone cut out and finally dropped the call. I'm hoping he didn't think I hung up on him! He never called back. I think he wanted to discuss payment, since I babysat twice last week for short incremements. Maybe he wanted to pay only for one day, since the two days' hours together equaled a full day?

In that case, then it would be horrible if he thought I hung up on him! Oh gosh... I really hope that's not the case!

I won't even find out 'til after lunch!


Edit: All turned out okay, thank goodness! "Billy" is over as I type, happy as can be.