I'm feeling a bit down tonight. It's 1 am, I'm in the middle of cleaning my room (weird timing, I know, but it has to be done at some point!), and I feel a bit disconnected from the rest of the world. I guess that shows my dependence on the internet, hmm? None of my friends are awake, and I'm the only one stirring the air in this house. Besides the ceiling fans.
I have a heavy topic on my mind tonight, for one thing, that I feel I must constantly remind myself and my friends of. Guard your heart. Especially you sisters who are not entertaining marriage any time soon. Don't listen to what your friends at school may say- Don't listen to the lies that you should flirt with the cute guy a few seats away in English class. But it goes beyond that. Friendships are friendships. It's alright to have close guy friends. But do not allow a good friendship to become an intimate one. It's natural to want to run to the strong, upstanding guys when we girls need help (help that is more often that not emotional). But be on your guard! Do not become intimate with a guy unless you plan to marry him. Once you begin to think of him as more than a friend, you start down a one-way path to a broken heart. After all, it is likely that you may both end up being attracted to one another. That's often how it works- you are attracted to someone who is attracted to you.
However, these teenage relationships progress like a wildfire. Bam, bam, bam. Smiling, holding hands, kissing. But sisters, be warned. They end as quickly as they begin.
Guard your heart so that you are not overwhelmed by your own hormonal feelings!
This little sermon is spurned on by a happening in my own life. I am suddenly seeing a close male friend in a different light, in a way that I don't want to see him. It's a reminder and a perfect example of what is described above. I think I'm going to have to back up a bit.
Note: Please take into account that I am a teen girl. I speak what comes to mind, and often that source is often a bit jumbled. :] But the foundation is what I know to be true.
Modern Console Sinks for Modern Bathroom
Console is as we know a cabinet that stands on the floor and supports
television, stereo and these days sinks too. Yes you got it right! We are
going to ...
7 years ago
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