Monday, July 14, 2008

Katie's birthday party

My little sister's birthday party was today. You'd never realize how loud, how truly loud a group of giggly, excited girls can be! Screaming all day... sometimes just for the heck of it. Thank goodness for the reprieves where I could slip into my room and have some peace and quiet.
But it wasn't all bad. I got to take most of the pictures and generally be a second host in addition to my mom. In all, it was actually pretty enjoyable!

So I've really been... well, doing some changing lately. I heard a brilliant message from the youth sermon on Saturday night. But I think God really spoke to my heart, more on the topic of myself than on Paul, as we were studying. I'm realizing just how arrogant and blatantly boastful I've been in the past, and I believe it's time for a change. "Humble" is the only word that has been going through my mind... it's like I nearly can't stop thinking about it. "W.W.J.D." is really becoming a regular question. I used to think of it as a nice, idyllic saying, but it's really taking on a meaning now. Anyways, just thought I'd share that with you :]